EFF welcomes McDonald’s decision to distance itself from Israel while demanding the same of Woolies

EFF leader Julius Malema addresses his supporters outside the Israeli embassy during the party’s picket in solidarity with the Palestinians on Monday. Picture: Oupa Mokoena Independent Newspapers

EFF leader Julius Malema addresses his supporters outside the Israeli embassy during the party’s picket in solidarity with the Palestinians on Monday. Picture: Oupa Mokoena Independent Newspapers

Published Oct 26, 2023


EFF leader Julius Malema addresses his supporters outside the Israeli embassy during the party’s picket in solidarity with the Palestinians on Monday. Picture: Oupa Mokoena Independent Newspapers

The EFF says it welcomes McDonald’s South Africa’s response to its recent demand to distance themselves from McDonald’s Israel.

On Monday, during the party’s picket to the Israeli embassy in Pretoria, EFF leader Julius Malema called for a boycott of all products from Israel as well as for the American franchise McDonald’s South Africa to distance itself from the actions of the global business.

In the same breath, Malema demanded the same of retail brand Woolworths.

This comes after McDonald’s in Israel said it would provide soldiers in the country with free meals amid the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

In their letter to the EFF, McDonald’s South Africa stated that they are not affiliated with the Israeli operations.

“We are not affiliated with McDonald’s operations in Israel, which is a locally owned Israeli enterprise. McDonald’s Israel operates as a separate entity to McDonald’s South Africa, and makes its own business and communications decisions, independent of our business in South Africa,” McDonald’s said.

In a statement on Wednesday, the party said it welcomed the brand’s decision to distance itself from the ongoing conflict which has resulted in the death of more than 4 000 people, including women and children.

“We are pleased that McDonald’s SA responded positively to this demand and effectively distanced themselves from the feeding of Israel soldiers of genocide in a letter written to the EFF on the 24th of October 2023.

“In this letter, McDonald’s SA stated that they are not affiliated with McDonald’s operations in Israeli… In addition to this response, McDonald’s SA outlined to the EFF its various initiatives to uplift the local economy, create jobs and foster diversity in their business model. The EFF applauds McDonald’s SA for its positive response and their willingness to interact with stakeholders in South Africa without arrogance and disrespect,” the EFF said.

Furthermore, the EFF has called on other corporate organisations, including Woolworths, to take a leaf out of McDonald’s book.

“We call on Woolworths South Africa, which the EFF has demanded to remove all Israeli products from their retail outlets to follow suit and have an appreciation for the common need to isolate apartheid Israel and not form part of funding an inhumane and cruel war against Palestine people,” the EFF said.

The party has indicated that it has give Woolworth until the end of this month to respond to its demands.