ANC vocal about Palestinians but ignores the suffering at home

Published May 31, 2024


Over the past three decades, the ANC has presided over South Africa, with the promise of uplifting the marginalised and providing a better future for all.

Yet, for millions living in informal settlements and townships, the reality is in stark contrast to the lofty promises. The conditions in these areas remain deplorable, reminiscent of the hardships faced by the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation.

The parallel underscores the ANC’s hypocrisy: while vocally supporting the Palestinian cause, it has neglected its own citizens’ plight, failing to deliver on the basic tenets of human dignity and development.

The Grim Reality of Informal Settlements and Townships

In the shadow of South Africa’s urban centres lies a harsh reality. Informal settlements and townships are plagued by inadequate housing, lack of sanitation, limited access to clean water and insufficient health care.

The education system in these areas is subpar, with overcrowded classrooms and under-resourced schools. Unemployment rates are alarmingly high, and crime and drug abuse are rampant due to the lack of economic opportunities.

The conditions are not just a modern-day problem but a continuation of systemic neglect. The ANC, which came to power on the back of promises to dismantle apartheid-era inequalities, has failed to transform the communities. The infrastructure remains dilapidated and the socio-economic divide between the wealthy and the poor is as pronounced as ever.

A Tale of Broken Promises

When the ANC took power in 1994, it was entrusted with the hopes and dreams of millions. The party promised to deliver housing, improve public services and create job opportunities. However, 30 years later, the promises ring hollow in the ears of those living in squalor.

The government’s housing programmes have been mired in corruption and inefficiency. Many housing projects are incomplete or sub-standard, leaving thousands without proper shelter. Basic services like water and electricity are intermittent at best and sanitation facilities are often non-existent, leading to health crises.

Furthermore, the unemployment crisis has deepened. The ANC’s economic policies have failed to generate sustainable growth and job creation, particularly in townships and informal settlements. Young people, in particular, face a bleak future, with limited prospects, fuelling frustration and disillusionment.

The ANC’s Palestinian Stance is it a Facade of Compassion?

While the ANC vocally supports the Palestinian cause, drawing parallels with South Africa’s own Struggle against apartheid, its stance appears hypocritical when considering its domestic failures. The ANC’s leaders are often seen condemning the treatment of Palestinians, yet they turn a blind eye to the suffering within their own borders.

The comparison between the conditions in South African townships and those in Palestinian territories is not far-fetched. Both populations face systemic neglect, lack of basic services and human rights abuses. However, the ANC's failure to address the issues at home while advocating for international justice raises serious questions about its priorities and integrity.

The Need for Change

The ANC’s 30-year tenure has shown that it is either unwilling or unable to bring about the necessary changes to improve the lives of South Africans living in informal settlements and townships. Its focus on international issues, while neglecting domestic crises, highlights a dangerous disconnect from the realities faced by its constituents.

It is clear that a change in leadership is needed, one that prioritises the welfare of all South Africans and is committed to addressing the systemic issues that have plagued the country for decades. The time for empty promises and hypocritical posturing is over. South Africa needs leaders who will take decisive action to uplift the marginalised and ensure that the benefits of democracy and development are felt by all.

The ANC’s legacy over the past 30 years is one of unfulfilled promises and continued suffering for those in informal settlements and townships. Their support for the Palestinian cause, while commendable, is undermined by its neglect of its own people.

It is time for a new direction, one that prioritises the needs of South Africans and holds leaders accountable for their failures. The hypocrites must be removed, and a government dedicated to the well-being of its citizens must take their place.

John Yahya Campbell is Durban Candidate for Parliament, Sizwe Ummah Nation (SUN) Party

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