Implications of the 2024 IEC results

Published Jun 10, 2024


Anda Mbikwana

The recent Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) results in South Africa have sparked intense political debate and scrutiny.

The ANC, historically the dominant party in post-apartheid South Africa, appears to have deliberately ceded power, resulting in a possible coalition with the DA.

The development raises significant questions about the future of South African politics and the socio-economic dynamics within the country.

Historical Context

The ANC has been the ruling party since the end of apartheid in 1994, leading South Africa’s transition to democracy. The party’s leadership has been instrumental in shaping the country’s policies and governance structures.

The DA, on the other hand, has roots in opposition to apartheid but is often perceived as the successor to historically white political interests. The party has been criticised for its perceived inability to fully represent the black majority's interests, which constitute more than 70% of the population.

Analysis of the IEC Results

The 2024 IEC results indicate a significant shift in the political landscape. The ANC’s decision to form a coalition with the DA suggests a strategic move that many analysts interpret as a deliberate power-sharing arrangement.

The coalition, however, is perceived by some as a betrayal of the ANC’s foundational principles and its commitment to advancing the interests of the black majority.

The Controversy of the Coalition

The ANC-DA coalition has been met with scepticism and outright hostility from various quarters.

Critics argue that this partnership effectively resurrects the socio-political dynamics of the apartheid era, albeit under a democratic façade.

The DA, which represents a demographic that is less than 15% of the population, is now positioned to wield significant influence over national policies, potentially at the expense of the black majority.

Theories of Pre-Democracy Negotiations

There are prevailing theories that the current political arrangement was premeditated during the pre-democracy negotiations. The theories suggest that the transition to democracy included covert agreements to preserve certain power structures and economic interests. The recent electoral results, viewed through this lens, are seen as the culmination of the long-standing plans to institutionalise economic and social disparities.

Allegations of Electoral Manipulation

The notion that the 2024 IEC results were “cooked” to facilitate the coalition cannot be dismissed without rigorous investigation. Allegations of electoral fraud undermine the legitimacy of the democratic process and erode public trust in governance institutions.

If true, the allegations represent a grave threat to the democratic fabric of South Africa.

Implications for the Black Majority

The coalition’s potential to exacerbate the suffering of the black majority is a central concern. The ANC’s historical mandate has been to uplift and empower the black population, a mandate that appears compromised by the coalition with the DA. Policies that may emerge from this partnership could favour the interests of the minority elite, perpetuating socio-economic inequalities and institutionalised marginalisation of the black majority.


The 2024 IEC results and the subsequent ANC-DA coalition signify a critical juncture in South African politics.

The development has the potential to reshape the socio-political landscape, possibly to the detriment of the black majority. As the year progresses, deemed the year of revelations, it is imperative for South Africans and the global community to scrutinise the developments and hold leaders accountable to ensure that the hard-won democratic gains are not reversed. The ANC-DA coalition, whether a strategic necessity or a betrayal of democratic principles, will undoubtedly be a defining element of South Africa’s political future.

Anda Mbikwana is a PhD candidate and a municipal finance and governance expert, he writes in his personal capacity.

The Star