Letter: Herman Mashaba’s new party may be the answer to our country’s problems

Herman Mashaba. Picture: Twitter

Herman Mashaba. Picture: Twitter

Published Sep 1, 2020


By Ellapen Rapiti

It was refreshing to read that a new political party, ActionSA, headed by ex-Joburg mayor, Herman Mashaba, has been formed.

Vygie Mentor and ex-rebel ANC member Dr Makhosi Khoza are among the people behind its formation. They have made their mark on the lives of South Africans, for their valiant stand against corruption and for standing up to Gupta-loving Jacob Zuma.

The country needs a party with honest politicians, that chooses people on merit with the right qualifications to run the government.

The ANC appoints incompetent people who are cadres. We deserve better. As for Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, she should be fired from the government with immediate effect, for the dictatorial way she handled the Covid crisis.

The country is ripe for a new party with no connections to the Struggle, to take on the corrupt and disunited ANC. It is the only way to get rid of a party that has looted the country’s coffers with impunity. Independent small parties are a waste of time.

Our president is not the leader of the country, because he is constantly being threatened by the faction opposed to him. The ANC’s power over its president, makes him a puppet. The corrupt can take over the corrupt and faction-ridden ANC. They will die on their own sword at the polls.

We have no opposition party. Julius Malema is the EFF and the EFF is Malema. His members are hangers-on, looking for a salary. Malema reached his sell-by-date after Zuma resigned. The DA is in shambles. The Good party is good for nothing, now that its leader is a minister in the government, run by the corrupt ANC. Her mouth has been shut by her fragile position.

This new party might be the answer to our country’s problems. We need politicians who are accountable to the public, not to a party. Here is a golden opportunity to get rid of the corrupt ANC.

The Star

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