Zandile Gumede’s appointment shows that, in the ANC, some are more equal than others

Picture: Leon Lestrade/African News Agency/ANA

Picture: Leon Lestrade/African News Agency/ANA

Published Aug 20, 2020


By Editorial

The ANC announced this week it was taking action against municipal leaders in KwaZulu-Natal over service delivery, corruption and other issues.

As part of these moves, a municipal chief whip seen on social media carrying alcohol while it was banned under Covid-19 lockdown regulations will have her salary docked for two months and do three month’s community work with a non-governmental organisation.

The party also announced the expulsion of Ophongolo mayor ­Winnie Nhlabathi and three other executive leaders in various municipalities.

The party said the expulsions were the culmination of a campaign aimed at eradicating corruption in the province, and which led to the dismissals of eThekwini and Msunduzi mayors Zandile Gumede and Themba Njilo respectively, as well as members of their executive councils.

These are admirable moves and indicate a party taking decisive steps to address systemic weaknesses.

However, in the same week that the party made these welcome moves, it also announced Gumede was being appointed to the provincial legislature in Pietermaritzburg, just months after she was sacked as mayor and demoted to an ordinary councillor.

It is true Gumede has not been convicted of any crime – yet.

But it is also true the former chairperson of one of the most powerful regions in ANC-dom is facing a raft of charges relating to alleged fraud and corruption in the awarding of tenders worth nearly R400 million at the municipality during her tenure as mayor.

With elections in the offing and Gumede still in actual control of a large number of votes to be cast at ANC conferences, she is still a powerful player in the party.

While moving her to the legislature could be seen as removing her from her base, the impression created is she is being promoted, and could placate her followers.

However, the inconsistency in how Gumede and other mayors are being handled – in the same week – plays into the narrative that some in the ANC are more equal than others.

This does not encourage confidence in a party with stark internal divisions heading into crucial elections which could determine its future at the helm of the country.

The Star

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