Empowering children with skills from young

A Gardening Workshop for children is in the pipeline in Chatsworth. Picture: Pexels.com

A Gardening Workshop for children is in the pipeline in Chatsworth. Picture: Pexels.com

Published Aug 17, 2023


LEGENDARY Earth, a Chatsworth-based non-profit organisation, has set out to help the community sustain families and themselves through empowering them with different skills.

To achieve this, the organisation will hold a garden workshop in the coming months to empower children with related skills from an early age.

Legendary Earth was founded by Yaseen Adam, a former politician and a television director by profession.

Adam said after experiencing first-hand the unfulfilled needs of communities and people, the idea of starting an NPO sparked. This, he said, resulted in him founding Legendary Earth.

“The idea was discussed, just before the Covid-19 pandemic, and officially founded in 2020. I was active in politics and then decided to continue the good work with the non-profit organisation. The main objective was to help people sustain themselves by teaching them skills.

“A friend inspired me to start the organisation. I was not familiar with starting an NPO, and I was directed to someone who helped me get in contact with the correct channels. It was founded to spread love and peace and help up skill individuals.”

Since its inception, the organisation has carried out multiple charity drives across the greater Durban region through donations and funding from various organisations such as the Willowton Group.

“With the help of many volunteers and well-wishers over the years, a lot of projects were done. I thank all of them as it was because of their efforts that we have come so far, and not mine. We need to appreciate each other and congratulate their selfless efforts. We have done food distribution, gardening, hygiene awareness, and skills development.”

Adam said they would hold a garden workshop targeting children from the age of four. The date will be finalised once they determine how many families want to sign up their children.

“With this workshop, we want to create an interest in those small, young minds, to basically condition them into loving gardening at those tender ages. Their enthusiasm may encourage others, like a pay-it-forward scenario. We did this so as to be able to understand the community’s concern for the future of their kids.

“Gardening has a lot of benefits as it gets your hands dirty physically and also aids your cognitive function. The youth will be empowered to grow their own produce, either to sustain themselves and families, barter with other community members, or even start their own businesses, so there are many benefits of a single skill and initiative,” said Adam.

The workshop is free of charge, he said.

“The children can, however, bring in kiddies garden supplies, if possible, but it is not a must. Seedlings will be provided.”

For more information, WhatsApp 082 298 9070 or log on to the organisation’s website (the site is still under construction, but can be viewed)

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