Palestine and Ukraine take centre stage of budget debate



Published Mar 29, 2022


Cape Town – It was like the pot calling the kettle black when Premier Alan Winde was debating with ANC MPL and leader of the opposition, Cameron Dugmore during the budget debate for the Department of the Premier.

Dugmore called out Winde for not supporting the Palestinian people against apartheid Israel. Winde on the other hand called out Dugmore and his party for not supporting Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

“You lead a government that has never said a word to defend the Palestinian people against Israeli occupation and the brutality used to deny them the right to self-determination,” said Dugmore.

“This legislature has never lit up the building in green and black red and white of the Palestinian flag.

“Worse Speaker, it is you who refused a debate on the Palestinian struggle requested by honourable Brinkhuis from Al Jama.”

He accused the premier of acting without any authority to do so and decided to boycott the Russian Federation diplomats.

“By doing so this government and this legislature undermine the efforts by President Cyril Ramaphosa to assist with negotiation and mediation to end the war in Ukraine.”

Ramaphosa resisted calls to condemn Russia and said talks between the two countries could remedy the situation.

He also blamed Nato for its eastward expansion for causing the conflict.

Winde said the ANC had a lot to say about imperialism, colonialism, human rights abuses but say nothing about what is happening in Ukraine.

“That is unacceptable,” he said. “

Quite frankly right now, your stance as a political party really brings you into question.

“Because of our past, this country and the ANC should be someone who really understands what it feels like.”

The premier said the reason the ANC could not condemn Russia because of the party’s ties with the country.

“You (ANC) cannot keep a neutral space, I understand the role that Russia played in the ending of apartheid, I understand the role Russia played in supporting many ANC apartheid activists.

“The training of military veterans, I understand all that but that does not forgive what is happening right now.”

Weekend Argus